Feel free to use the calculators* below. If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact us.
The following are FREE software calculator downloads that require an initial registration:
» MotorMaster+ – An energy-efficient motor selection and management tool, MotorMaster+ software includes a catalog of over 20,000 AC motors. This tool features motor inventory management tools, maintenance log tracking, efficiency analysis, savings evaluation, energy accounting, and environmental reporting capabilities.
» MotorMaster+ International – MotorMaster+ International includes many of the capabilities and features of MotorMaster+; however, now you can evaluate repair/replacement options on a broader range of motors, including those tested under the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) standard, and those tested using International Electrical Commission (IEC) methodology. With this tool you can conduct analyses in different currencies, calculate efficiency benefits for utility rate schedules with demand charges, edit and modify motor rewind efficiency loss defaults, and determine “best available” motors. The tool can be modified to operate in English, Spanish, and French.
» PSAT – After installing this zip file, you will see the following 4 choices: Field data, PSAT 2004, Summaries, and Valve equations. Also in the zip file is a PDF file with an overview of the program for review. The PSAT 2004 file is a program for input of field and common data to evaluate a given pump/system. Within the PSAT 2004 program you will also find a head calculator to assist in calculating head. The valve equation file is to supplement the PSAT program to allow addition of valve loss for evaluation when valves are part of the friction loss that needs to be considered.
» PSIM (Pump System Improvement Modeling Tool) – With the challenges of today’s marketplace, your fluid handling systems must be both cost effective and energy efficient. It is essential that users evaluate the total pump system in their design. Pump System Improvement Modeling ToolT (PSIM) is a FREE educational tool focused on helping you better understand the hydraulic behavior of pumping systems. Using state-of-the-art solution algorithms and an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, PSIM makes it easy to calculate the pressure drop and flow distribution in both straight-path and simple branching or looped pumping systems. PSIM calculates pump energy usage and energy cost over time using New Present Value concepts. PSIM creates pump vs. system curves, a powerful tool to help engineers better understand the intricacies of pump system behavior.
* Important Disclaimer: These calculators are provided for general information and illustration purposes only; the results are to be used only as estimates and are not intended as definitive advice or as a resource applicable to any specific circumstance and should not be relied upon or used as such. Anchor Sales cannot guarantee that you will achieve proper results without verifying your measurements and assumptions. For specific advice regarding your project, you should engage the services of an associate at Anchor Sales.